We’ve been having a blast giving so much holding time and attention to all four pups and taking them outside for their first romps. They’ve loved the time outside and it’s great watching them take in all the new scents and sights.
They’ve really seemed to desire our companionship more and more, especially as Lassie is beginning to spend more time away. She’s a good experienced mama, and we go by her pace for when she wants time away or time with the pups.
We’ve introduced toys. It’s hilarious now, just watching them play. Of course, one of them always wants to be sleeping while a couple others trample the sleeper to start some fun.
In winter I get up at night and dress by yellow candle-light. – R.L. Stevenson

Come, gentle Spring! ethereal mildness, come. – James Thomson

I always like Summer best… – Nikki Giovanni

Autumn…the year’s last, loveliest smile. – William Cullen Bryant