Halcyon Lane Farm

Scotch Collies

Puppies Have Arrived!

Amish Lassie Puppies Captain Jack

Announcing, born to Heritage Captain Jack and Halcyon Amish Lassie, on Sunday September 7th, lots of puppies. They were born all through the night Sunday and into Monday morning, ending up with 9 puppies overall.

There are 6 females and 3 males, all with gorgeous sausage-like bodies. They look so healthy and chubby! Our children will be holding these puppies a lot. Lassie does not seem to mind us being around and holding some puppies now and then, but when she is outside for a break, we all pounce and scoop them up for holding time.

Here is a picture (more to follow) with Lassie and the pups:

Lassie with pups

As soon as we decide on names we will send in our litter registration to the Old-Time Scotch Collie Association.

Send us an email if you are interested in one of these pups!