Things are going swimmingly with this litter of puppies. They are growing up really fast and we’re getting to the stage where personalities are starting to bloom, which is so fun! The newborn wobbly legs have turned into strong healthy ones that like to wrestle, tackle, jump and run around.
We took these last pictures outside on one of those ideal days: Sunday of Memorial Day weekend with blue skies, white puffy clouds and the family playing croquet out on the front lawn. It was the first time the puppies had extended time to play and romp outside like that. The kids, as always, are doing a great job of giving each pup a lot of TLC. Now that the puppies are older and have more energy we are going to be giving them their daily dose of outside play time.
Four puppies are officially reserved now, and we have a general idea on which ones they are, but still haven’t worked out which puppy goes to which person (if you are one of those people, and you know who you are, we’ll be contacting you soon to finalize).
- Ellen Palmer Allerton

- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

- Elizabeth Barret Browning

- Emily Dickinson

- George Gordon Byron