It’s been a little busier than usual around our place, and getting consensus on names for the puppies has been about as difficult as finding time to post an update of them :) (Scroll down for pictures)
The puppies have been growing fast and Lassie has been ravenously hungry. Coincidence? I think not. They are 2 weeks old now and their eyes have just started opening for the first time. What an exciting time, wondering what it must be like for them to peek out into this world they’ve only so far smelled, touched and tasted.
It’s a special time for us and our children, because we are pretty sure this will be the last time we breed Jack and Lassie. That’s right, no more Halcyon pups in the forseeable future. We don’t know all the history of Lassie’s past, but she didn’t have an easy life before we found her, and we think this decision will be good for her.
We had 3 accepted applications from our waiting list almost right away, so only 2 pups are left to be reserved. I decided to hold off on reserving the last two for a little while, just to let the dust settle. One of the tricky parts of reserving pups this early is that we don’t know for sure about coat length or personalities, etc.
Without further ado, introducing….
- Ellen Palmer Allerton

- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

- Elizabeth Barret Browning

- Emily Dickinson

- George Gordon Byron